Hello! I'm Yukari katakura. Long time no see,do you remember me ?
Today, I gonna talk about the lesson which was held last weekend (11/9). And I will try to write in English!!
Thesedays, the earth has a lot of serious problems. For example, global warming, rising in sea level, unusual weather and so on. Among them, one of the most serious problems is a problem about energy. We always use it. It is made from fossil fuel (oil,coal,natural gas). Everybody knows we cannot use them forever.
What would you use instead of fossil fuel if we lost them in the future ?
At that time are approaching.
Dr.Ryota kasata , a reseacher, has one answer to solve this problem. It is ``Fusion reactor``. Do you know it ? I didn't know it before the lesson...
So I will explain it ! ( it is difficult for me to do that,but I will challenge !)
Fusion reactor
Merit : Low carbon dioxide emissions, Safer than nuclear power
Demerit : It is a comprehensive science and technology project, it is difficult to grasp and proceed with everything.Few people know.
ITER (Fusion reactor experimental reactor) is now under construction!!
This project is done by Japan, EU, America, China, South Korea, Russia, and India !! please think about current international situation!!
That is so amazing !! Those country are going on the same goal!!!
But every plan needs large expense, it is not easy to sucsess even by these countries....
This is only one problem and only one answer.
We have to consider about our EARTH to protect enviroment and not to suffer the next generation.
Now, many researchers suggest various answers to improve enviroment which was changed current state by human beings for a long time.
Nobody knows wheather these answer is right or not.
We have to challenge some ideas...
You can choose it ?
Me? I don't know... so I want to learn about sience and our problems more and more.
How much can you pay for a future human being who is not yourself?
I wrote in English today. It is so difficult for me, because I don't know enough words to explain. So I used dictionary many times.
I want to try again!!
Thank you for reading !!