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Research Presentations: Australia

Derek has just come back from Australia, where he gave two presentations on the research carried out within this project and promoting the Correlative Gene System funding group overseas.

The first was an invited seminar in the School of Biological Sciences, University of Queensland (Brisbane, Australia) on 21 September.  There is a lot of great plant research happening at the Uni of Queensland and there was strong interest in our discoveries on the mechanisms for root-knot nematode infection.  Many enjoyable discussions with people in both Biol Sciences and Agriculture, also found out from Susanne Schmidt that root-knot nematodes are a major problem in sugarcane, an important industry for Queensland.  Thanks to Milos Tanurdzic for the invite!

Next stop was Adelaide for the ComBio2012 meeting, one of the biggest biological sciences meetings in Australia.  The good news was that our abstract got selected for one of the oral presentations so I had a chance to showcase our research to a broader audience among the Australian scientific community - after the good feedback now its time to start writing the paper and getting it published!!!
